Don't start a problem in your heart before the problem actually comes. Be careful what you think about! If you think adversely you'd eventually sink into adversity. No one would buy your joy if you're not willing or broadcasting it for sales. If someone admires your house, he won't ask you how much you'd sell it to him rather he'd asked you how much it would cost him to acquire such a house, unless ofcourse you offer to sell your own.
Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, just like an orange is a fruit of the earth. If you can't plant its tree then you might have to buy it each time you want it. Everybody likes orange, a person that doesn't like orange is probably not of this age. Now, everybody loves joy, even the devil rejoices when he destroys the souls of men. Everything we do is to rejoice at the end, whether what we do is good or bad. The fact that a person is a "kill-joy" doesn't mean he hates to be joyful. Joy is the proof of man's existence. If the fruit of joy is thus sweet then anyone would go any mile to buy it.
If your joy is within you then you must guard it with all diligence, because outside it is a huge market containing the issues of life. Joy is the supernatural neutralizer of circumstances. Joy is within; so don't allow the circumstance to get into you, rather, allow joy to go out to meet the circumstance. Joy is the home within your heart, it's not safe to invite trouble into a joy-filled home. You can't sell your joy until you've completed the transaction in your heart. Anger, grieve, malice, pain, regret, jealousy, envy, coveteousness, deception are all currencies that are used to purchase joy. And you'd find out that all this originates and functions in the heart.
Scripturally, the only time you're permitted to trade your joy is when you loose someone that's very dear to you. The bible says in Mathew 5:4 "You're blessed when you feel you've lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by (God), the One most dear to you.". At that point, God understands your grieve and so He'd ensure you're comforted on every side.
I beg you, never trade your joy! Your joy is not for sale! I thank God for this revelation that came at this critical time, many people are victims of this things! May God give us understanding!
Inspired By:
The Holy Spirit


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