You're never too far from what you think. Thoughts are vehicles that enhances our movement towards our desires. If a man is not moving forward in life, then he's probably building his thoughts from what others think about him, or he's not thinking at all.

You can't have a well-defined thought and not have a well-refined life. This is why people who try to change what others think about them waste the most productive seasons of life. I perceive that the reason why many people spend their days in poverty is because they used most of their time to prove a point. The world is not looking for people that will prove a point, no, the world is looking for people that will make a mark. Moreover, if I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not in a court, why do I need to prove a point if it already exists? Many people are building a court for a case that will never go to court.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; THE SPEED OF YOUR THOUGHTS AFFECTS THE SPEED OF YOUR LIFE. IF YOU THINK FAST, YOU'D GROW FAST. BUT IF YOU THINK SLOW, YOU MAY REACH YOUR DESTINATION WHEN YOU'D NO LONGER BE REQUIRED. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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