If you pour new wine in an old wineskin, the wineskin will heat-up, tear apart, and eventually waste the wine. That's what Jesus told those Scribes and Pharisees that complained that His disciples were not fasting as the disciples of John did.
There are many people who feel that giving their life to Christ is a waste of time. And that's probably because their situation became even worse than it was when they were in the world.
The Christian life is an entirely new life; it's not something you can mix with your old nature. If you do, things may only become worse for you. Just as an old wineskin is destroyed when a new wine is poured into it, our old nature is also destroyed when the life of Christ comes into it.
The world may engage in certain ventures and succeed, but you'd be surprised to see that you won't scale through when you do the same thing. This is probably because the ways of Christ are higher than the ways of this world. And trying the ways of the world will just be too low to work for you.
Let me conclude with this; though His ways are higher, but they're far more easier than the ways of the world. Put an end to your unrest, and find rest for your soul by taking His yoke upon you. Learn of Him, His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. May God give us understanding!
God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share.
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