The prodigal son was celebrated with a feast the day he returned to his father. His father was so happy that he killed the most valued calf for this purpose.

But his eldest son was displeased with the feast. He complained that he had worked for the father all these years, but the father had never given him a tangible thing, let alone organizing a feast. To his amazement, his father told him that everything he owned also belonged to him, but they had to celebrate the prodigal son because he was lost but now he is found.

The year I gave my life to Christ, things were very rosy for me. It was like God knew what I needed, such that, before I prayed answers were waiting. But after some time, it reduced, and then it stopped. I began to judge myself, thinking that I may perhaps be doing certain things wrong. If only I had known that the time of celebration had ended. God wanted me to take responsibility as a son that I am.

I use to feel jealous over some new converts testimony, until it downed on me that God is celebrating their welcome into the kingdom. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying God does not celebrate with us, because He does, but it has to be the one we host. If the eldest son had hosted a feast, don't you think his father would have attended? But he just didn't know he could host a feast.

Let me conclude with this; everything God has is yours; stop waiting till the day He'd answer you, rather, take the answers you need by faith. Remember, He has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Jesus. You may think God is watching and seeing your needs, yes He is. But the truth is; God is also waiting for you to take the things you need. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!

Bringing knowledge to the people


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