This things began with Moses. God told him to get down to the people of Israel and tell them to prepare themselves, because He wants to come down and set them free from Pharaoh's stronghold. And as they did, God came down and did as He promised.
According to scriptures, God has since promised every believer good things. Gal 4:28 particularly calls us the children of promise. But we can only receive these promises through faith. Faith isn't just about believing what God has promised, it's preparing yourself to receive what God has promised.
In Luke 9:12-17, Jesus knew that by faith in God, those five thousand people would be fed; and that's why He told His disciples to feed them. But unfortunately, His disciples started giving excuses on why it would be impossible to feed them. Jesus, ignoring their lack of faith, instructed them to make the people sit in groups of fifties.
I perceive that the reason why He ask them to sit was so that God could see His preparation of faith. I once said that "prayer is an expression of faith that God can do it, while action is an expression of faith that God will do it". Preparation is the action that commits God to make good His promise.
If you need a job, prepare to receive a job by going out to visit organizations. If you need to get married, prepare yourself for marriage. God has already promised us all things that pertains to life and godliness, all we need to do is prepare to receive them.
Let me conclude with this; after Jesus prepared for the promise, He thanked God for the release of the promise. Pray for the promise, act by preparing yourself to receive the promise, then thank God for releasing the promise. Receiving God's promise is certainly faster this way. May God give us understanding!
God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!
Bringing knowledge to the people
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