Say unto Pharaoh "I will yet release one more plague, and after that, he'd let you go". That was a Master's decree handed to Moses during his mission to deliver Israel out of Egypt.

Moses had tried many other terrible things; but each time he did, he asked Pharaoh the same question, "Let my people go that they may serve Me". That wasn't really a question, but I perceive it sounded like one, because Pharaoh kept giving him reasons why He can't release them. But when the decree came, it sounded differently, It was no longer "let my people go"; rather, it became "... after that, he will let you go".

That's what The Master's decree does; it empowers you to acquire things without any further negotiation. If you're tired of employers turning you down and giving you reasons why they can't employ you, then get The Master's decree. You may ask, how do I get The Master's decree?

The word of the Lord is the decree of the Lord. When you've found the word, there'd be a reward, and your expectations shall not be cut off. So before you go further in search for a job, search for a word; and your expectation to get a job will not be cut off. I know of a certain secondary school drop-out who became the chief engineer in a leading multinational company, just by receiving a prophetic word from his pastor.

Bishop David Oyedepo has often narrated how God told him that "even if you don't want to be rich, it is too late". I also remember God telling me back in 2010 that "the suffering you're going through in this present time is nothing, compared to the glory I'd reveal to you in return". The amazing thing is; even now that I'm enjoying my life, He's still telling me the same thing. And to be honest, those words motivate my everyday life.

Let me conclude with this; the reason why people give you excuses on why they can't help you is because you don't have a word from the Lord. With a word from the Lord, even dry bones can take shape and become man again. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!

Bringing knowledge to the people


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