If you're tired of the way things are working around you, then change the way things are working within you. It's amazing that every man lives in 4 realms at the same time; spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical realms. It may look like your physical body does all the work, but the truth is; if your emotions, mentality, and spirituality are not in place, your physical body will be completely out of place. I don't force results, I enforce them. And I do that with a confidence that internal laws are greater than external laws. I don't take drugs, not because it's not good, but because I know a spiritual law that works better than drugs.

If you want to increase your income, then start with increasing your internal values. If want to have a happy home, then develop your spirituality, mentality and emotions to match. These 3 realms are the controllers of the physical realm; if you're finding it difficult to do anything physically, then it means that what you're trying to do is beyond the control of these 3 realms. To enhance your external values, simply enhance your internal values. Most of the things we struggle with are things that may just require a change in our mentality, spirituality, or even our emotions.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; JUST AS LIGHT DOES NOT STRUGGLE WITH DARKNESS, OUR INTERNAL VALUES DOES NOT STRUGGLE TO REFLECT ON OUR PHYSICAL LIVES. DEVELOP YOUR INSIDE! Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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