Satan is a rebellious creature, he has made it a responsibility to tempt God's people into sin. On the other hand, God's people are carriers of God's Spirit, and one of the responsibilities of the Spirit of God is to give glory to God. After Jesus was baptized, the Spirit of God came upon Him, and drove Him into the wilderness. Satan came to tempt Him with good pleasures, but Jesus, understanding that the reason why He carried God's Spirit was to give glory to God, didn't fall for Satan's temptations.

The bible tells us that we have been bought with a price, therefore we should glorify God in our body. This could also mean that whatever does not glorify God should be prohibited around us. Let's make the world know that cheating, stealing, lying, killing, blasphemy, gossip, disobedience, hatred and fornication are prohibited around us. Let's write them boldly on our lives so that everyone can see.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; WE ARE THE EPISTLE THAT GOD HAS WRITTEN TO THE WORLD. WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING ABOUT YOUR CHRISTIAN LIFE? Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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