God loves everybody, but it's not everybody that loves God in return. 

Those who God loves enjoy daily bread, but those who love God in return enjoy daily wage. 

Those who God loves have access to daily loads of blessing, but God reserves unimaginable blessings for those who love Him in return. 

God services those He loves, but those who love Him in return serve Him and all His interests. 

God may love us equally, but we're rated differently. The bible says a man is rated according to his wisdom. 

If your aim is to impact your world, then settling for daily bread and benefits won't be enough, you need daily wages and God's reserved blessings. 

Daily breads have no reserve to feed others, but those who enjoy God's reserve feed others without stress. That's impact! 

If you want to do unimaginable things, then you need to gain access to God's unimaginable blessings. 

Dont be deceived, God cannot be mocked. You'd definitely reap the labour of love you sow. But what if you didn't sow anything? 

To love God means to consider God first. Before you start a fight with that unbeliever in your office, think of what God will do. Before you walk past your hungry neighbor, think of what God will do. Before you make your choices, think of what God would have chosen. 

If you love God, you will love and do what He loves. You'd weep at what He weeps at, and you'd joy over whatever He joys over. For instance, there is joy in heaven over every soul that is saved; that means saving souls should naturally be a joyful thing to you. 

Let me stop there jare. But take this as an admonishing to step-up your status. There are more benefits attached to loving God back than just settling for His love alone. There would always be a difference between those who serve God and those who don't. May God give us understanding! 

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share! 

Bringing knowledge to the people 


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