If going to church isn't drawing you closer to God, I think you should restructure your life. The reason why we go to church is to re-learn the things that the first man lost to sin. The first man walked in the full knowledge of God, he didn't need to go to church. The bible even records that God comes down to talk to him in the cool of the day. Church only came into existence when sin entered the consciousness of man. In order to destroy sin, we have to re-learn the truth. And the church was created primarily to teach people the truth. Knowing the truth naturally draws man closer to his Maker.

I've witnessed unbelievers who believed that they were on the right track until they encountered the truth of God's word. Suddenly, they begin to cry out for salvation, they become uncomfortable with their unrighteous life, and all they'd desire is to get closer to God. That's what the truth does, it makes you want more of God. Some believers have unconsciously made going to church an obstacle between them and God. They engage in all the church activities and assume their relationship with God is good. Being close to church isn't the same as being close to God.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; JESUS PREFERS A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM OVER YOUR DEEP COMMITMENT IN SERVING HIS CHURCH. ASK MARY AND MARTHA WHEN YOU MEET THEM. Have a most fruitful weekend! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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