I can eat my cake and still have it. I mean, what's wrong with that? This world is filled with ideologies of people who had some experiences in life. When they fail in a particular cause, they make a statement like "you'd need to be a superhero to make this work". When marriage does not work for them, they'd say "marriage is not for busy people". If they fail in school, they'd say "not everybody is wired to go to school". They just have a way of making anything that does not work for them a norm around them.

These verbal blueprints have really affected our nations. Many people have signed up to live on their salary forever, because their parents had told them that "people who do business live a difficult life". The truth is, in business, you get paid for results, while in a job, you get paid for your time. Yeah, ofcourse you work had in the office, but think of the number of hours you spend doing nothing. It's faster to become a millionaire by getting paid for results. How would teachers teach their students how to get paid for results when all they know how to receive is "salary". Students, if you study hard, you'd get a good job; that's always their best line of words.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; LET GOD BE TRUE, AND ALL MEN LIARS. DON'T BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, BUT BE TRANSFORMED BY RENEWING YOUR MIND. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please share it!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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