Commitment and consistency are unavoidable if one must excel in life. The value of any man's testimony depends on its accuracy. The testimony of an unstable man won't motivate anybody. There are many people who should have accomplished far more than they've currently done, but inconsistency has blinded their mind to think that "what they've done is enough".

People have asked me how I get the time to write like this. Well, I don't get the time, I buy it. People who use free time hardly commit themselves to hardwork. Several times, I've had to deny my eyes from sleep time, just to complete a book. Time is free, but only those who choose to pay for it ever make the most of it. It's a known fact that the things you get for free are less-valued compared to the things you pay for. For instance, life is free, and that's why we have more ignorant people in the world today. If we paid God for our lives, I'm sure everyone would live his life with a genuine purpose. I value my sleep time, but I also value those people who will not find sleep until they have read what I'm supposed to write.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes. But take these last words; LUCK IS A WORD USED BY THE DEVIL TO DILUTE YOUR LABOUR WITH PLEASURE. AN UNDILUTED LABOUR WILL ALWAYS ATTRACT FLAVOUR. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

And hey, don't forget to "like" it. And if you really like it, please share it!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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