Learning is the only medicine for knowledge. Illiteracy is an ailment that hurts more than any disease in life. Hard labour is generally reserved for the illiterate; and that is because people who engage in hard labour do not have enough knowledge to convert their hard labour into large profit. The bible says "the labour of the foolish wearies everyone because he does not know how to get to the city". Labour is failure when you can not make a matchable profit.

There is always a more knowledgeable way to do everything. The reason why certain things are too hard for you is probably because you are too soft on knowledge. If you want to experience an easy life, do not go easy on knowledge. And if you want to increase your rating in life, increase the rate at which you learn. Knowledge moves in the speed of light; there is really no one that it cannot catch up and even overtake. That also means I can do more than my mentors have done, if only I would be consistent in learning. It was David who said he had more insights than his teachers and the elders, because he took more time to learn God's rules.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take this last words; WITH KNOWLEDGE, YOU CAN BE WHO OR WHAT YOU WANT; YOU CAN EVEN BECOME A ROLE MODEL TO YOUR ROLE MODEL. Have a most fruitful weekend, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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