Our manifestation as sons of God in these end times is tied to the operation of the Spirit of revelation. The bible says "the Father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him". The world cannot despise you if you have answer to their problems. When the secret was revealed to Daniel, Daniel was revealed to the world. The world may not know you today, but you'd become the headline of their daily devotion - when you lay hold on one secret from God. What God shows to you will definitely make you a show to your world - if you apply it.

Revelation is unveiling the secrets of God that is able to make you a star among men. However, secrets are in levels; the bible tells us that the Holy Spirit reveals deep secrets to them that love God. Every child of God has access to some level of kingdom secrets, but only true lovers of God gain access to deep secrets. True love is your certificate to life changing revelations. If you draw near to God, He also draws near to you. The reason why Satan is so close to some people is because God is too far from them. Revelation takes you far above all the wickedness of the wicked. Operating in revelation will naturally make men to wonder at you. Revelation is something supernatural, you just can't ignore It's manifestation.

God bless you, I love you, and have a most fruitful month!

Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people...


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