God is going to raise up some Believers who will become "ministers of finances". They'll be responsible for more money than they ever dreamed of. God is going to give some Believers businesses that are going to be so prosperous that many will ask, How are you doing it and where are you getting it? And they'll respond, My God supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Why would God do this? It's very simple: To win cities and nations to Himself!

It's time to invade every man's world. God is looking for some faithful people. He's looking for those who won't run when the pressure is on. God is looking for those who cannot be corrupted. Those who will not compromise. Those who are not moved by persecution or opposition. Those who will stand up for what they believe in. It's time to make a quality decision to unveil the true power of God to your city and nation. People are going to want what you have—Jesus. Peter didn't have money to give that beggar at the beautiful gate, but what he had made the beggar free forever!

No other people on earth have the opportunity to make the changes that are so desperately needed in society today, than passionate, visionary, committed Believers. And God's expecting us to seize these opportunities now. The Holy Spirit is working mightily stirring the hearts of millions of lost people right now. They don't understand what's happening, but they are beginning to look for answers. They're no longer satisfied. They don't know where to turn, but thank God that's where you and I come in as laborers. God is getting the church ready to reap this vast harvest of souls. He's going to do a quick work!

Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people


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