There is a difference between living by faith and appropriating or applying the word of faith. The bible talks about three positions of faith, which are; the word of faith, the law of faith, and the spirit of faith. The word of faith is the message; the law of faith is the application or the appropriation of the word of faith; while the spirit of faith is the lifestyle of faith.
Some students don't enjoy going to school, while some other students don't only love going to school, they live their life for school. The difference between these two groups is the school spirit. The one who doesn't enjoy school is only bound by school laws, because he'd only be moved to study when there is a test or an exam. The one who live for school is not bound by school laws but is led by the school spirit. He prepares himself daily to make good grades. This is how many Christians are in this world; some take faith as a lifestyle while some others only appropriate the word of faith when there is a challenge. The time has come to ask ourselves; are we really living by faith?
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THE BIBLE TELLS US THAT GOD IS READY TO AVENGE HIS ELECT THAT CRY UNTO HIM DAY AND NIGHT, BUT WHEN HE COMES, WILL HE FIND THOSE LIVING BY FAITH? FAITH IS NOT AN ACT, IT'S A LIFESTYLE OR A PROFESSION. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty


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