Is it truly possible for God to do something quickly? I want you to notice what Amos 9:13 says;

Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

What is God saying? He's going to accelerate things to the point that the person who is sowing the seed better gets out of the way quick, because the moment the seed hits the ground, the reaper will be right behind him because immediate growth and maturity will take place.

He said the sower will be overtaken by the harvester. As quick as he can sow it in the ground, the harvester is right behind him with a combine ready to harvest. Right behind the harvester comes the sower again. Right behind the sower, comes the reaper again. It's not a problem for God to accelerate things and that's what He plans to do according to that scripture.

Don't think small any longer. It's time for us to think bigger. It's going to happen right here in your city and in your nation! God is going to accelerate things. The harvest in the days ahead will literally stagger the imagination of man. We've entered into a new era!

Emeka Anslem
Bringing knowledge to the people


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