Don't sell your joy! It might interest you to know that even the devil likes to be joyful, and that is why he tries so hard to steal our resources. Stealing, killing and destroying the resources of people naturally makes him joyful. He doesn't care about how you'd feel or what you'd go through when he steals your goods, he cares about himself only; and that means he's selfish! He also knows that he can't stop you from accessing God's blessing when your joy is intact. The devil is seriously contending for the last laugh. Anytime he sees you laughing, he starts gnashing his teeth. Remember that it's he who laughs last that laughs best. Jesus preferred to suffer than to give up his joy. He had a mental picture of Himself -  laughing at the end. I'm sure that the devil was gnashing his teeth when Jesus ascended to heaven, because the bible says "they that sit in heaven shall laugh". Furthermore, the bible says Jesus made a show out of the devil; and making a show out of a person is the same as making a mockery of the person.

Every opportunity to get angry, complain, or display wrath is a sign of the devil trying to trade with your joy. GOD LOADS US WITH BENEFITS DAILY, BUT WE'RE NOT PARTICULARLY SURE WHAT PART OF THE DAY WE'D RECEIVE THE BLESSING. From experience, it's usually the same period when the devil tries to steal our joy. THE DEVIL WON'T TROUBLE YOU WHEN THERE'S NOTHING TROUBLING HIM AROUND YOU. The devil does not waste time on unprofitable people, he will only come to you when there is a blessing in you! 

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; YOUR JOY IS NOT FOR SALE! YOU NEED IT TO DRAW WATER OUT OF THE WELLS OF SALVATION . Have a most fruitful week! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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