Many people delay God from blessing them. They think God will have to manufacturer their requests before He gives it to them. The fact that you just discovered a need doesn't mean God will have to prepare Himself to meet that need. The bible says He's a very present help in the time of need. That could also mean that, before the need came the help had been created. Satan is a looser, he only has sense enough to complicate what God has made. That's why it looks so complicated to go to school, get a good job, or even get married - in the world today.

Every blessing has a due season, just as every medicine has an expiry date. But the difference is that; while a manufacturer determines the expiry date for his product, it is faith that determines the due season for the release of your blessing. The bible says "in due season you shall reap, if you don't faint". Jacob told Esau that while he fights with his sword, a time will come when he'd get fed up, and he'd be forced to take what belongs to him. So you need to engage your faith in the word until the word in you moves you to take your blessing by force.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; DUE SEASON IS WHEN YOU CAN PHYSICALLY SEE THE BLESSING. DON'T FAINT, UNTIL YOU REACH YOUR DUE SEASON. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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