Faith is most efficient when accompanied by joy. Just as faith works by love, joy is the thrust behind faith. Your faith declarations would only be wishes without joy. Joy is the strength of faith; that's why faith needs joy in order to draw water out of the wells of salvation. Love is the parent of faith, while joy is an alia. Faith alone would never take you to your destination. It got to a point where Jesus had to look up to joy in order to endure the pain and torture that was coming to Him. He had faith, but He needed joy to strengthen His faith.

Faith comes by meditating on the word of God. Joy also comes by meditating on the word, but most times it comes at the remembrance of the promise of God - even in the presence of storms. When Jesus remembered the promise that was set before Him, to sit at the right hand of God and judge His people, joy came alive in Him. Faith is never far away from joy. If you loose your joy in battle, no matter how powerfully you make confessions in faith, you'd still loose the battle. The operation of faith is automated when joy is located. Before you cry over a situation, try to laugh over it first. If Satan can't stop your expression of joy then he can't stop your faith from winning.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words; JOY IS THE MOST RATED FORCE OF THE SPIRIT. NO GOOD THING IS EVER ABSENT WHERE JOY IS PRESENT. Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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