Time is a friend to no one. Time has no relationship with anyone, it's everyone that has to be in a relationship with time. TIME DOESN'T NEED YOU, IT'S YOU THAT NEED TIME TO STRUCTURE YOUR LIFE. Time is the most important resource that God gave to man, and He gave every man equal time. Everyone has 24 hours to himself in a day, just as everyone has 7 days to himself in a week. WHAT YOU DO WITH TIME DETERMINES WHAT YOU GET FROM LIFE. I've heard many individuals say "I don't have time", but it's important to state here that YOU'D NEVER HAVE TIME FOR WHAT YOU'VE NOT CREATED TIME FOR. The reason why many individuals don't attend church services during the week is not because they don't have time enough to attend those services, but because they've not created time for them.

Many people are too busy to even read books. They forget that READING IS PART OF LIVING! And most often many of them end up terminated from their job because they lack the knowledge for the moment. The fact that you work 9 hours during the day doesn't mean you should frame your whole life around your job. Even though having a job is a good thing, it's not the best thing you need in your life. JUST LIKE YOUR EMPLOYER BUYS YOUR TIME TO BRING HIS BEST OUT OF HIM, YOU ALSO NEED TO INVEST YOUR TIME TO BRING THE BEST OUT OF YOU. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying you should be unfaithful in your job, but that you should be faithful to yourself.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Notes! But take these last words: NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, DON'T ALLOW THE TIGHT SCHEDULE OF YOUR JOB, SCHOOL, OR FAMILY TO DETERMINE YOUR FUTURE. MAKE OUT TIME FOR THOSE THINGS THAT GUARANTEE SUCCESS IN YOUR LIFE. Have a most fruitful weekend! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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