Trials are satan's design. God never sends trials to people; it would be a devastating blow on your faith if you ever believe that God sends trials. If God sends trials, then certainly you don't want to resist God. For instance, in the area of sickness, if it's God's will for you to be sick, why go to a doctor to try to get out of God's will? But it is God's will for you to be well. The bible tells us that God wishes above all things that we prosper and be in health. God wants you healed, and He will go any way you choose: whether through doctors or through His Word, or even both. But, if you fall for satan's lie, your faith will be neutralized and you may suffer that affliction forever.
People say trials are God's design to strengthen our faith. Satan is not the finisher of your faith, and if trials and tests perfects faith then satan would be the finisher of it. But the bible declares that Jesus is the Author and Finisher of your faith. When Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray, one of the things He said was "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven." Lets ask ourselves a candid question; Is it God's will to have trials in heaven? The answer is obvious; there are no trials in heaven. If trials are not His will in heaven then it can't be His will on earth. We need to arise and engage our faith to face-out the challenges we're facing.
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; THE GREATEST ENEMY OF FAITH IS LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GOD. BE WISE, EVEN SATAN CAN FINETUNE WORDS TO SOUND LIKE WHAT GOD SAID. DO ALL YOU CAN TO HAVE A WORD STUDY PLAN! Have a most fruitful day! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty


  1. I enjoyed the timely notes and it's equally a nice environment you got here. Keep the good work going and God bless you real good.


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