Every demonic weight requires some level of faith to overcome it. The level of faith you'd need to move a mountain is small compared to the level of faith you'd need to destroy the mountain. Many believers are dwelling on the mustard seed level of faith, and that's why their mountains keep coming back - even after they've moved them. The mountain you don't destroy may resurface at any time. Many people are building their fears instead of building their faith. While some people are afraid of Satan, Satan is also afraid of the faith of some other people. Satan is not actually against you, but against your faith. If he can succeed in taking your faith then he has successfully taken you. If Jesus could refer to Peter as "satan", then it means the lack of faith in a person equals the person to the devil. It's dangerous to live among people without faith, that's why the bible says we should guard our hearts with all diligence.

Meditating on the word is the fastest way to boost your level of faith. When your faith increase, your level of command will also increase. Faith is man's ultimate promoter; you can't be high in faith and be low in life. Faith is not an abstract force, it's a real force that can be seen or touched. The bible says faith is an evidence; and there's no way an evidence can be abstract. You need to lay hold on strong faith by giving in to thorough meditation. If you ever want to stop taking the medication from the world, then you must engage meditation in the word. Meditation is God's spiritual medication that keeps your faith healthy. So whenever you feel weak in faith, engage the power of meditation.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; MEDITATING ON THE WORD PUTS YOU IN A SESSION OF REASONING WITH GOD. AND YOU CAN'T BE REASONING WITH GOD AND BE LIVING AN UNREASONABLE LIFE AMONG MEN. Have a most fruitful weekend! In Jesus precious name!

An Inspiration of The Almighty


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