A person who walks by faith is not moved by what others around him may think or say or do because his ears and his eyes, his mind and his heart, are firmly fixed on the Word of the Lord. Living a lifestyle of faith is God's idea of living a life of heaven on earth. You can't truly live by faith and be seeing issues of life. The bibles says "my son, attend to my words, let them not depart from your eyes... For they are life unto all your flesh". That means the moment you start falling sick, you've drifted your eyes and attention from His word and started seeing sickness or giving attention to it. In actuality, the trouble you don't see can't get your attention.
The word of God will have no effect in you if what people say affects you. They said many evil things to Jesus, but He was never bothered because He understood what the word said concerning Him. People may tell you facts about your present condition, but facts are false in the face of truth. It is normal for the world to give you the description of what they can see around you, but the wisest thing to do with their descriptions is to apply God's prescriptions. God has already written positive prescriptions to clear every negative descriptions. And these prescriptions can only be found through the study of His word
That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; EVERY WORLDLY OPINION ABOUT YOUR FAITH IS ONLY A DESCRIPTION OF WHAT THEY CAN SEE. AND THEIR OPINION IS BOUND TO CHANGE AS LONG AS YOUR FAITH DOES NOT CHANGE. Have a most fruitful weekend! In Jesus precious name!
An Inspiration of The Almighty


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