Okay, I agree, knowledge is power. But let me share something I discovered with you.

The bible says "all power belongs to God". And that literally means that there are different categories of power. Romans 13:1 further tells us that "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God". Which means there are lower powers.

Intellectual knowledge gives you power; but it will not give you power to get wealth, to get a job, or start a business. If all you invest in is intellectual knowledge, then all you would have is intellectual power. Some people are really intelligent, but even with their intelligence, they have never been employed nor operated a business of their own. That is probably why we have countless number of graduates still seeking for employment. You may have studied law, but with your intellectual power, there is no guarantee that you will practice law.

Daniel had intellectual knowledge. He was in the same class with many astrologers and magicians. But when the king had a dream, their intellectual knowledge could not help them. As a matter of scriptures, the king sentenced all of them to death. Imagine how many graduates are fed up, all because there is no opportunity to invest their intellectual knowledge? Even the ones that manage to secure a job work lower than their grades.

But here was Daniel, someone who also had spiritual knowledge. The bible records that God gave him wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all learning. There is no course in Harvard that would teach you "how to pray to God to receive revelation about someone else's dream", it was a clear application of spiritual knowledge. He prayed to God about the matter, and God intervened.

Let me conclude with this; knowledge is power; but the kind of power you need in this coming times is spiritual power. And the only way you can have it is to invest in spiritual knowledge. I am not saying you should not go to school or study other things, but that you should create a schedule to invest in spiritual knowledge. May God give us understanding!

God bless you, I love you, and don't forget to share!

Bringing knowledge to the people


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