In Job 23:14, we would discover that God is a Performer. He performs the things that are appointed for us. And even if the devil manages to steal the things that He has done for us, He can always do another one, because many of such things are with Him. If the devil goes as far as stealing your womb, God has many of such wombs to give to you. If the devil succeeds in stealing your job, God has many of such jobs with Him. Do not be too careful about the devil; I believe God keeps a stock of our needs so that we can care less about the devil and serve Him with all of our hearts. The mission of the devil is to steal, Jesus came to restore. And Jesus is able to restore whatsoever the devil has stolen from us.

In Ps 57:2, the bibles says "I will cry unto God most High, unto God that performs all things for me". That means, one of the ways to engage God to perform the things that are appointed for us is to pray. Ps 56:9 further tells us that "when we pray, the enemy will turn back, and that is how we would know that God is for us". That also means, one way to show that God is for you is that the devil will turn back from you when you pray. So if the devil has not left you then you have not adequately prayed. Because when prayer is adequate, the devil must turn back.

That's how far we'd go on today's Timely Note. But take these last words; DON'T CRY OVER WHAT THE DEVIL HAS STOLEN FROM YOU WHEN YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER HAS MANY OF SUCH THINGS WITH HIM. INSTEAD, PRAY, AND BELIEVE GOD FOR YOUR RESTORATION. Have a most fruitful day, in Jesus precious name!

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An Inspiration of The Almighty


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